Data team is in control is designed to reduce the workload on the data team, without compromising on quality of the output. The data team can control everything from data governance, to the data model rules which inform the AI query generator, and how much or little the business team should request validation from data experts.


Setup in minutes

Getting started with is as simple as connecting your data warehouse and context sources. then uses AI to infer underlying business logic from past queries. From there, gets smarter with every new question asked.

Access and semantic configuration

Enterprise data is complex and there are often subtle, (un)written rules on the relationships between various tables, how certain metrics should be calculated or which data to systematically exclude. This is why admins can configure access rights (eg. “Never return ‘user_ssn’”) and semantic definitions (eg. “Unless otherwise specified, systematically exclude inactive and churned customers from customer reports”).

Validation request levels has a confidence score for each response. You can choose when you would like to trigger a validation to ensure that the data team stays in the loop on the more complex questions.

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